Take a look behind the scenes

Over the years, I have had 10 different studios. Most have been small and improvised, but each one had its charms. My current (and favorite) workspace comprises the entire first floor of my apartment, minus its itty-bitty kitchen. It is full of light and color and plants, and reminds me that playfulness and curiosity are the foundation of all worthwhile endeavors.

The Importance of Play

A lot of what goes on in my studio is not directly incorporated into my finished work. But spontaneous experiments and explorations are an important part of the process. They help me build creative strength, stamina and flexibility, and generate a nearly inexhaustible source of raw material.

Trends and Inspiration

I love studying trends and cataloging my favorite finds. Of course I collect and store inspiration digitally, but I also create analog trend boards in a physical notebook. I’ve kept up this practice on a regular basis since 2014, and here are some of my favorite spreads.